Assessing, improving and managing your systems can earn you more than a 25% increase in revenue.
... and here at Management Made Easy we are helping visionary online entrepreneurs and their teams to get control of the day-to-day chaos and frustration in the business, so that everyone can live and work in their zone of genius.
Our vision is to support online-based businesses all over the world to create intercultural teams where everyone can serve with their unique background and culture, so that everyone wins.
We are on a mission to end suffering in work relationships through genuine human interactions and building systems that are working FOR the people instead of people working the systems. No matter whether someone chooses the path of entrepreneurship, is an employee or serves as a contractor for others, my desire is for them to be able to contribute, feel truly seen and be happy and proud about their daily work.
My personal passion is to get people to see and experience each other as human beings, even though they might be miles apart or separated by a computer. Communication, Relationship and Learning with each other are the standards that I am holding people to. I am passionate about creating positive meaningful relationships with everyone I get in touch with.
I strive to create equal working possibilities for each individual, no matter where they are in the world and what their background is, because for me the internet is supposed to bring people closer together instead of closing them off from each other.
- is constantly dragged down by the miniscule details of running a business?
- struggles to keep their integrity, because too many commitments are falling to the wayside and nobody takes your decisions seriously anymore?
- knows they can't do everything by themselves yet struggles to build a team of commited people?
- wishes they could just stay in their own zone of genius and delegate all of the rest to someone else?
You might be just one system away from achieving that.
We are assessing the 12 core systems every business needs to run and grow smoothly, so you know exactly where your gaps are.
With our customized roadmap you and your team can then start to fill these gaps in the right order.
We are setting up the 12 core systems for you following our proven frameworks for people and process management.
You and your team will be involved in the decision making and testing of the systems to make sure they are optimized for your business and your goals.
We are managing and maintaining the systems for you, so you can focus on doing what you love.
Your team will get trained on handling the systems and we will create a complete user manual for your business operations.
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Hop over to Delegation Nation to see how our community of visionary online entrepreneurs can help you to get there.
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Jeff Borschowa
Chairman, Excolo33
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Virginia Muzquiz
CEO, MasterConnectors
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Lisa Lowry
Owner, Balanced Beans Bookkeeping
We are doing regular virtual workshops to provide you with a taste of what a great system can do for your business.
Get access to the recordings of the Business Beyond Borders virtual event and gain insights from our expert interviews.
Our toolkit for solopreneurs will provide you with the 5 critical tools you need to operate your business online.
We are happy to answer your questions and guide you on your way to delegate and grow. You can get in touch with us via email or through our calendar. We look forward to hearing from you.
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